WeVu was born because, like you, we couldn't find anything new to watch on our streaming services. And recommendations based on what we've watched were ineffective in finding new movies and shows.
WeVu's founders began a series of lunchtime whiteboard sessions focused on finding a new way to discover movies and shows. The result is an algorithm that matches people with content using personality and story archetypes. Not what you've already watched.
Using insights derived from psychology, rhetoric, and data science, WeVu takes a novel approach to categorize movies and shows. The data model introduces a human-first approach by analyzing story tone and character types to break free of the typical genre categories streaming services use.
We pitched the idea to Karsh Hagan, a Denver-based interactive agency, and, well, here we are. We're working on embedding machine learning to fuel our data models and, once we've completed those features, plan to roll out a beta version by the summer of 2023.
Please sign up for early access and we'll reach back out when we're ready to launch.